Walk with us!
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Here’s what our happy clients had to say about our services!

“I never expected to gain as much from the classes as I did. It was really nice to walk down the aisle knowing that my shoulders were not slumped, my bum wasn’t sticking out and my tummy was sucked in.”

“I’ve never been one to walk and I’m not really an outdoor person. I just can’t believe how much I’m enjoying Stride, even when it rains! It’s brought such a change to my life as I feel fitter and much healthier. People have commented on how I look and I’ve dropped a dress size for the first time in ten years!”

“I suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis and serious asthma. Any movement can be very painful and frustratingly debilitating. Karen’s professional, personal and gentle service gave me the knowledge to progress forward with confidence.”

“Simply Stride taught me that there’s no such thing as a diet, you need to change the way you eat for life. As a result of changing my eating habits and regular Striding I’ve dropped a dress size and had to buy all new clothes (Yea!). I’m amazed and delighted!”
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